Wednesday 29 February 2012

Pass the sugar,, I think I'll Pass

So as of tomorrow I'm trying to cut refined sugar out of my diet. By this I mean sugar that is added to foods to make it sweeter, not natural sugar. It sounds super simple, right? Tell that to future me who will be laying on the floor, tweaking from withdrawal. Do you know how much stuff has sugar in it??? Most everything worth eating does anyway.

It's not even really the lack of sugar that has me rattled. It's some of the things that have sugar in them. Like chocolate. Sweet, wonderful, tempting chocolate. I went without chocolate once for a month after my daughter was born. I worried the caffeine would effect her sleep schedule. I thought about it at least once a day. It was like losing your ipod or something. You walk around the house over and over, looking around. You don't even know what you're looking for until it hits you that it's chocolate. You find yourself pulling everything out of the pantry, desperate for a half empty bag of chocolate chips from the last time you made cookies.

What most likely won't help will be working in a grocery store. Standing there day after day staring at the hundred or so varieties of chocolate bars. It's a little like having a drug addict stocking the heroine section. If that were a real thing. If you invent the heroine super-market, don't have addicts as your employees would be my advice there. But I appear to be getting severely off topic.

Back to the topic at hand, most things with sugar in them I can live without. Five cent candies and pop are easy to turn down. I can live without my Cinnamon toast crunch if I have to. Switching from sugar to honey the occasional time I have tea isn't going to be hard. Plus, there are so many fruit that have so much natural sugar in it. I doubt I'll be super eager to take a handful of grapes over a bar of Hershey's right off the start, but trying isn't going to hurt me.

But just in case it gets too unbearable, I have an outlet here with this blog. I can come on here and rant and rave until I run out of steam and still have friends after. That's the theory anyway.

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